End ties with CPD!

Demand DePaul divest from Chicago Police Department and Fraternal Order of Police

This email campaign builds upon the previous work of others in the community, including the email campaigns linked to below. For more information about the issues addressed in this email, please see these additional resources:

To: Very Rev. Raymond Van Dorpe, Lori L. Holland, DePaul Presidents Office, Dr. Salma Ghanem, Office of the Provost, Kathryn Stieber, Chad Jordahl, Peter Coffey, Rev. Guillermo Campuzano, Dr. Elizabeth F. Ortiz, Dr. Gene Zdziarski, Dr. Gene Zdziarski, Jeff Bethke, Dr. Scott Paeth, Erin Berkowitz Copy recipients đź”—
CC: Gisselle Cervantes, Marissa Nelson, Marissa Nelson, DePaulia Editor-in-Chief, Shane René, Colin McMahon, Chicago Tribune, Chris Fusco, Jim Kirk Copy CC 🔗
Subject: DePaul must end its relationship with the Chicago Police Department and the Fraternal Order of Police Copy subject đź”—
Message: (Don't forget to replace the [x]'s with your information!)


My name is [FULL NAME] and I am a [STUDENT/ALUMNUS/ALUMNA/FACULTY/STAFF/ETC.] at DePaul University. I demand that DePaul University end its relationship with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).

While I am affronted that our rising tuition dollars are subsidizing a 25 percent tuition discount for Chicago Police, this is more importantly a matter of institutional accountability for a university that talks more about racism than it does to combat it. As long as DePaul continues its collaboration with the police, it perpetuates systemic and institutional racism by prioritizing hegemony over the safety of its Black students.

Over a hundred members of the DePaul community braved the pandemic to come together this past week to protest DePaul’s continued partnership with law enforcement, and I send you this email to join and amplify their voices:


The Chicago Police Department is a violent agent of a racist system that seeks to harm and terrorize, not to defend and protect, and DePaul’s Vincentian mission and values demand that the university divest and defund all of its partnerships with both the CPD and the Fraternal Order of Police.



Very Rev. Raymond Van Dorpe, CM
Trustee, DePaul University
Provincial Superior, Western Province of the Congregation of the Mission

Lori L. Holland
Chair, Board of Trustees

Dr. A. Gabriel Esteban, PhD
President, DePaul University

Dr. Salma Ghanem, PhD
Interim Provost, DePaul University

Dr. Kathryn Stieber
Secretary of the University
Vice President, General Counsel, DePaul University

Chad Jordahl
Assistant Vice President & Assistant University Secretary, DePaul University

Peter Coffey
Associate Vice President, Community and Government Relations

Rev. Guillermo Campuzano, CM
Vice President, Mission and Ministry

Dr. Elizabeth F. Ortiz, Ed.D.
Vice President, Institutional Diversity and Equity

Dr. Gene Zdziarski, Ph.D.
Vice President, Student Affairs

Jeffrey J. Bethke
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, DePaul University

Dr. Scott Paeth, Ph.D.
President, Faculty Council

Erin Berkowitz
President, Staff Council


Gisselle Cervantes
President, Student Government Association

Marissa Nelson
Editor-in-Chief, 14 East Magazine

Shane René
Editor-in-Chief, The DePaulia

Colin McMahon
Editor-in-Chief, Chicago Tribune

Chris Fusco
Editor-in-Chief, Chicago Sun-Times

Jim Kirk
Publisher & Executive Editor, Crain’s Chicago Business

Email Campaigns